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Flyff Auto Attack Bot Free 82l: Save Time and MP with This Amazing Hack


Standard attacks have a 1 in 32 chance of being a critical hit. If the attack is a critical hit, damage is doubled. Some weapons, such as the Rune Blade, Ragnarok, Lightbringer, Final Trump, consume [12..19] MP from the user upon attacking for an automatic critical hit. If these weapons have an added spell, it will deal a critical hit as well, despite spells normally being unable to do so.

Flyff Auto Attack Bot Free 82l

The units can move around the battlefield more freely than in previous installments, meaning players can at times move behind opponents. Whenever hit from the behind, the damage from the attack is doubled, but this is not the same as a critical hit. If the player is to deal a critical hit to a target from the behind, it deals quadruple the normal damage. If an enemy hits the player characters from behind, their attacks also deal double damage.

Some weapons that target elemental weaknesses or a certain type of enemy deal extra damage and they have a 100% hit rate against those targets. These attacks randomly cause mighty blows which automatically kills the target regardless of stats or damage.

Post Date: 19:52 24-02-2010Rating: 8Author: SonataaComment: FlyFF is one of the best MMORPG"s I"ve came across in my 5 years playing MMORPG"s. I"ve been playing for 3 years on and off, and it"s truely a great experience. PvP Guild siege lets all guilds battle it out in a combat area, and the winning guild gets a symbol next to thier name so everyone can see that they are the winners of the weeks siege, and they are a force to be reckoned with. Arena - You can jump into the arena when you are bored, this is a small area for all players to battle it out until thier heart is content, All out free for all! PvE The PvE in this game has a short learning curve, all you do is double click and watch you smash that monster! Unlike most games, flyff has very fast attacking, so it"s more exciting that watching your character swipe once every 2 seconds. On flyff, you swing your weapon 4 times every second roughly, unless your using a 2 handed sword. Or using skills Economy Suprisingly, you can play this game and reach the level cap without touching the cash shop! You can kill giants to earn cash, and once you are a high enough level, get your guild and smash clockworks! (A super sized mob with over 62 Million HP, Takes around 4 or 5 people attacking, and will take 30-60 minutes to take it down) Clockworks gives super amazing, uber epic drops, basicly, if you farmed clockworks, you would be very very rich and could afford alot of the Cash Shop items people sell ingame. Events were rare back int he days, but now, Gpotato have stepped up, and they are bringing out very nice events very consistantly. Graphic might not be as good as lets say Runes Of Magic, but as far as the gameplay goes, it"s one of the best and most fun games you"ll find.

Post Date: 16:37 16-07-2009Rating: 7Author: auroraComment: v13 review Comment: This review focuses on the features that were added by the v13 flyff update. Coral Island - Is a nice area with a beach theme, sunny, bright and colourful. Contains mid-level monsters that are in plenty of supply and aren't agro. (you can safely level there without having to worry about an agro spawning on top of you and killing you ^.^ ohhh.....the amount of times I've had that happen >.> ) Also there are 2 channels for coral Island so if the area your leveling at becomes a bit busy/lag more you can switch channels. A nice addition to flyff. Rainbow Race - Takes place once a week on Saturday and constist of a bunch of mini-games that have to be completed before you race back to the finishing line. Its fun and offers a welcome distraction from grinding and questing. Even if you don't have the fastest broom/board/bike you can still win as some of the mini-games require luck and skill!!!! The prizes are good aswell. Its a shame that it only takes place once a week and on s1 which is usually the busiest and laggiest server. Couple system - I must say that I've not had much experience with this new addition (its hard to find someone that plays at the same time). From what I've seen the concept is intereasting, forming couples and leveling together while gaining various rewards and skills. Though it seems to take forever to get the couples level-up and rewards. Housing system - An interesting addition, its fun at first to get your own house and be able to jump around and add furniture to it but the novelty wears off after awhile. I guess people can use it as a meeting place or have house parties since you can invite them into your house. At the moment only furniture bought from the Cash Shop adds temporary stats (its not very useful as you can get better stats from awakening and that is permanent). On the whole, not such a great addition. Elements - The majority of the changes are nice, weapons can now have elements upgraded to +20 which gives a nice effect, the fire +20 effect/glow is awesome!!! You can now change the element without having to get rid of the previous element and re-upgrading with the new element by using a Scroll of element change. Though elementing a suit with the same element as a monster dosen't have the same effect as it did before v13. Titles/achievements - I like some of the new titles that you can get from hunting certain monsters or doing an action for xxx amount of times and its not completely based on pvp (the titles in the previous versions were based only on pvp) My only issue with the new titles/achievements is that they could be more creative with the title names. Other welcomed changes- Character status window is now wider, you can now see all the numbers in HP for example, used to be squished when you had high HP.- Arrows and Posters can now be purchased/stacked in 9999, one of the best changes of v13 in my opinion as it frees up inventory space. It used to take up 4 slot in inventory now it only takes one for 9999 arrows or posters!!!!.- Theres a new feature that I call "in-game GPS" ^. it tells you how far away you are from a selected NPC, very handy if you've never been to that particular NPC before.- The in-game map now has an option to show monster locations, again handy for people who are new to flyff, to find there way about.- Can also name your pet now (raised pets-pets that give stats only not the CS pets-pick up pets) Other changes (that were not welcomed/desired/that I just hated)- Items that are recieved on the completion of the first job change became "event" items, so these items couldn't be sold or banked. This makes it harder to get penya at low levels as you can no longer sell these items.- Buffs have a set order, as if limiting the amount of Buffs to only 14 wasen't bad enough they now have a set order. So this can be abused by using a useless buff to knock off a useful buff. (buffs= enhance character stats depending on class, some buffs are better than others)- The Character window was made bigger, I personally don't like the new size (its just too big). =Summary=On the whole the version 13 update is okay. It adds alot of additional content and tries to fix some bugs. It will be interesting to see how the new features will be developed in future versions. I was hoping that v13 would expand/improve the existing quests alas for a furture version maybe.

Post Date: 14:47 16-07-2009Rating: 8Author: mobtroopComment: V13: 8/10 Housing: 6/10 I want a yard o.o and for the 30 day items to be cheaper so I can affordably decorate my house. Overall it seems like a great thing with a lot of future potential, but right now it's just not doing what it could be. Looking forward to updates on this in the future. Elements: 8/10 I like finally being able to continue upgrading the element, not to mention the scroll of element change has made it worthwhile, but it's extremely hard to get past +10. The scroll is the major thing here, that's the most useful thing I've used in a long time, as far as new cs items go anyways. Couples: 8/10 Takes forever, but what thing worth having doesn't? Any real review on this will have to wait for quite a while, but overall I like it and I agree with it being like marriage in most places, male to female. Perhaps there is room for a partner system too along side the couples system to fill the gap though. Coral Island: 7/10 It is a good idea, but I'm not sure if it's useful to the average player. Ticks run about 15-17m on my server and that's just too far beyond a lower level persons budget to make it worthwhile or even doable. Rainbow Race: 9/10 Awesome, except for the s1 darken thing and disqualification for dc. I think there should be some way to keep track of everyone that has won instead of a week to week basis, no one is very competitive in it on my server because there's just no reason to be, you're results are gone from history after 1 week. Otherwise, it's a great change of pace from standard game play. We need more things like this in my opinion. Fame Titles: 9/10 This is an awesome addition to the game for many reasons. One being it adds another change of pace for game play. Two being it provides the average player with other fun things to do. Three being it holds promise as an expandable thing for the future, I'd love to see waaaaaay more titles in future versions as well as some more cooky things for us to do xD Bug fixing/error correcting/updating: 9/10 Happy to see that in v13 they have put effort into fixing many of the issues that have plagued us for years, I think every update should have a lot of this one xD Keep up the good work! My only complaint is that the (H) key window is rather large if you're in lower resolutions, perhaps some option as to how that looks based on personal preference would be nice. Overall: 8/10 I like this update a lot, I've actually loved most of the updates since v7 because it's making the player more unique and providing ways for less fortunate people to get going and play competitively. This one stands out to me as one that is branching out and testing the waters for a myriad of things to come Flyff's way very soon, and I like the sound of that. Some of the updates and new content may be trivial to people, but it's all a step in the right direction and will hopefully end up yielding even better things for Flyff in the future. Can't wait to see what the next version hold :) Flyff overall Fly for Fun v13 Gameplay: 7.5/10Content: 5/10Graphics: 6.5/10Community: 9.8/10PvM: 8.5/10PvP: 8/10Controls: 8.5/10Events: 3-9/10Sound: 8.5/10Stability: 6.5/10v13: 8/10 Overall: 7-8/10 Gameplay: 7.5/10 Overall, Flyff is a community based game that thrives off of the relationships the players build with each other, be it a friendship or a rival. But it has a very addictive feel to it and is easy to fall right into with a very user friendly learning curve. Content: 5/10 While Madrigal seems to be an enormous undertaking to the new player, in reality you can learn every nook and cranny in it through general game play in a relatively short time. This simplistic style is appealing initially, mastering new areas is quite a triumphant feeling, but it is very lacking once you reach the higher levels and you have seen everything the world has to offer. On the flip side, it does keep everything localized and relative for the community, easy to grasp and easy to follow. However, I suggest more things for people lvl 50+ to do, quests become routine and trivial at best, all there is to do is grind and pvp. Up till that point, the easy to grasp pace of Flyff is very well suited for new players and veterans alike, nothing like making a new character and flying through the lower levels without complications. But once again, a change of pace would be great. The new Fame Titles are a step in the right direction, a very good one in my opinion. Build off that and make it more relative to actual game play. Reward players for attaining those titles, they are hard enough to get that it would be tough to abuse and rewarding to try and get. More quests like the lower level "Mushmoot" and "Krr" would be awesome for higher level players, seeing as gianting is currently pointless until you get to fantasy desert, unless you really feel like killing giants for 4 hours only to make 10-20m if you cannot afford a party and maybe a Acquisition Scroll or two. Those kinds of quests bring players together to accomplish a common goal, much like the highly successful "Alchemist" event, and they are rewarding at the same time. It's amazing the things we can accomplish when we work together and how much fun it is to do it. Equips are fairly varied and the ability to "Awaken" them makes nearly every player unique, not to mention it makes it possible for less fortunate players to get good gear on a budget. Perhaps "Green" shields would be a good addition to the mix. But other than that, equipment and the ability to customize it to your liking is a huge plus for Flyff. Graphics: 8/10 Flyff has a cute anime style to it, a huge plus because it seems to appeal to a large amount of female gamers which really adds to the community in a way few other games can. It's not of recent technology, so we can't expect it to run with the top dogs on the PC gaming market, but for a free game that has seen as many versions as Flyff has, it does just fine. Not to mention the scaled back graphics makes Flyff more readily available to a large variety of users. One thing that would be nice is more control over the graphics options, anything that will help you squeeze out those FPS's while aoeing or during a large scale pvp event such as the Guild Seige or a sizable Guild War, or help you get the most out of your screen shots and bragging rights :P The producers also make good efforts to stay with the seasons and holiday themes, often times the game will reflect real life events with it's own cute Flyff twist. Community: 9.8/10 Put simply, if there was a single factor that made Flyff a worth while game, it would be the community that plays it. You can find everything from rivals, to best friends, to would be lovers and heart breakers in the community. It is admittedly hard to find friends at the lower levels though, some kind of system to find parties and partners would be awesome for everyone. PvM: 6.5/10 This score would be around 4-5 if the game play mechanics had not been changed to allow Tank AOEing. They call it "grinding" for a reason, you will spend hours upon hours killing the same monster in the exact same style with very little variation to level up. If gianting was more appealing and doable, it would help. At the moment though, it's rather horrible trying to make money by gianting till much much later in the game. Most of the time giants are just an inconvenience or all together pointless. Some kind of change of pace would really help, Rangda was a good start, but more random mobs like that would ease the pain and change things up from time to time, rare mobs that actually have some kind of use and give you a reason to want to challenge them. Or as I stated before, more quest/dungeon type places with nothing but giants and challenging Boss monsters would be great. And I don't mean more end game content like the Secret Rooms in the Forbidden Tower, though that does seem to be a good addition for the Hero and other high level players, target more players in between. PvP: 8/10 Overall, pvp in Flyff is very enjoyable, it provides a fun change of pace and just gives you something else to do in general. GWing and GSing are also a lot of fun once you get in that level range. I do believe every cluster should have a pk server in it, as another change of pace. One thing that I would love to see is something like King of the Hill or Capture the Flag, maybe even special areas for mini game type things where players or groups of players can challenge one another, like GWing, but with different objectives. Controls: 8.5/10 Flyff generally is a very easy to navigate game with a simple GUI and hotkey system. I think a macro system would be cool too, such as the ability to assign keys to perform certain things like buffing with certain buffs and using skills/items in a pre defined order. However, I also feel that it might detract from the skill involved in pvp and general game play if certain things are allowed. Events: 3-9/10 The GM team in Flyff does an awesome job of making the events they are directly involved in very enjoyable, but some of the events seem lacking to say the least. Of course, we can't expect to have some huge event every week, but I'll just put it this way, when it's good, it's great, when it's bad, it's horrible. There's very little in between ground as far as this goes. But overall, the events are a good change of pace and provide entertainment on a regular basis, no matter how small or seemingly meaningless they appear to be at times. On a more specific note, I think Lord events really need to be looked at, they are so hard to attend and are rarely actually useful. Maybe increase their duration a bit or make them easier to attain. The Rainbow Race is an awesome start to new content and new things to do, but please, next time don't make a race that starts and finishes in S1 Darken, then disqualify people that DC due to Neuz errors or lagging out, it's horrifically frustrating. And perhaps don't let Lords use certain skills during the race :P but that's debatable. Sound: 8.5/10 I love the music in Flyff, but I always have it turned off because of a few themes and songs that are just unbearable, such as the flying theme >> An option to chose what songs you want to hear would be nice, or the ability to assign your own songs to certain areas and events or something of that nature. Most of the sound effects fit what they represent very well and are distinct enough to let players know what's going on around them without having to seek the source or see what's going on to understand the situation. Very good for pvp and pvm in general, but perhaps more accurate directional sound would be nice, so I can tell if someone is buffing behind me or to the left/right. And the Bang pet's stomping gets old fast xD Stability: 6.5/10 Ugh, the crashes are so notorious that it is almost it's own entity now. It's a noun and verb at this point. You got neuzed, neuz strikes again, neuz doesn't like it when you [insert any action]. It's not so bad until you start trying to do large scale GW's or massive AOE's, but when it hits, it hurts. At any one GW, I crash 3-7 times depending on the duration of it and how many people are participating. There seems to be a few problems in the GS arena as well, I'm usually "glitched" 2-4 of my 5 lives to where I cannot buff, equip, use items or attack. *cries* But I've never seen any server crash or have issues outside of routine maintainence and the rare roll back from time to time. Ao that's good lol Also free of hackers generally, penya scammers are another story. General comments and ideas: Shops need a way to put multiple items in te same slot to sell for one price. Such as 4 parts to a set, at one price so people cannot buy 1 part and mess up your set. Some kind of an auctioning system would be awesome, I think it would also cut down on some of the shops and PERHAPS help reduce lag in towns a bit, but that's a pretty big if. Just fix it once and for all, this is a reccuring issue that has been around since at least v6(when I started playing). New areas to get away from the usual stuff for a bit, like a giants island, an all agro area, shadow versions of monsters that are very hard to kill and offer great rewards or something, or titles, achievments, that kinda thing. Just look at WoW for ideas. Some side job where you do a certain thing to make money or upgrade things, such as mining for stuff and all that. The ability to click you pet and select from a menu the kind of items you want him to leave behind. Such as food, penya drops, cards, weapons, armors, fp/mp type things and eggs o.o I'd like to see more awakening related things in the cash shop, such as polarization scrolls(single awakening and all on one item varieties), maybe something to awakenings from one item and put them on a like item(helmet to helmet, gauntlets to gauntlets, that kinda thing, perhaps with a restriction on how big the item level gap can be. Like 30 level gap is one scroll, 50 level gap is a slightly more expensive one, 80 even more so, 120 most expensive. Have a great time you guys, keep up the great work and I hope to see you players in game ;) -zAudiovox of the Glaphan cluster 2ff7e9595c

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